March 26, 2012

A (Rugged) Weekend Review

This past weekend a group of us participated in the Rugged Manic 5k at Boone Hall Plantation in Charleston, SC. For those of you that haven't heard of it before, it's 3 miles of running and obstacles to get through. Our course had us crawling under barbed wire in muddy waters, scaling wooden walls and racing through underground tunnels to name a few. Sounds like a blast, right?

Afterwards there was live music and drinks to relax to.
It was a great time and while I may have hated it at certain moments throughout the trail, I'd recommend it to anyone that thinks they might like to try something like this!

pre-race when we're still clean
Tons of old shoes were donated afterwards.
Mine definitely joined that pile!
post race reward

Check here to see if one is coming to a city by you
Have a wonderful Monday friends!


  1. I live 5 seconds from Boone should've come by for drinks to celebrate after, ha!:) We are going to try to do the Maniac 5k next year!

  2. You're so hardcore. I love it. Congratulations on finishing!
    xo Josie

  3. You are awesome!!!!! Proud of you, girlie.

  4. I think I would love something like this! It looks awesome!
