April 11, 2012

Travel Must Haves

Travel Essentials

Hi, my name is Ashley and I'm a non-stop traveler. While I wish I could say it's all fabulous vaca's and fun, most of the time it's spent traveling in a car and for work- luckily I almost always get to see friends along the way in various cities that I visit which makes it all the more fun. This weekend the beau and I are heading to St.  Louis to apartment shop for him. I've never been to the city and would love any and all recommendations!

When I'm traveling via airplane here are a few essentials to get me through the flight and the inevitable waiting at the terminal. This week's flight includes...

1. Magazines: A no-brainer. When the plane is taking off/landing I need something to keep my mind off of things. {disclaimer: turbulences and I don't get along well}
2. Ipad: A serious love for this tool. It stores my books, music and any videos I load on pre-flight.
3. Healthy Snacks: There's typically always some form of snack bar in my purse. Traveling I bump the count up to 4-5 and include fresh fruit.
4. Scarf: I always get cold in planes no matter the season. This serves as an accessory and blanket when the cold air starts blasting.
5. Sunglasses: Aviator's for me-- they instantly make you look more put together in my book.
6. Hand Lotion: For a quick refresher post flight and throughout the day

What're your travel must haves?

Send those St. Louis tips my way, 
pretty please



  1. Oh you're going to LOVE St. Louis! My boyfriend and I took a trip there last summer and had a blast! Some recs: eat at least one meal at The Hill, the Italian-American part of town. We ate at Cunetto, but i doubt there's a bad meal over there! We also went tot he Budweiser Brewery (so cool) and of course did the arch/caught some games in Busch Stadium. We didn't have time, but apparently Ted Drewes frozen custard is out of this world. Have fun!!!

  2. PS. Also see you did a little changing here. Looks nice.

  3. Here is my tip. Stay away from East Side St. Louis. I am from Kansas City originally, so am obviously a fan of the West side of the state.

  4. Love the polyvore set!! So fun posting on monday!

  5. This is the St. Louis weekend! Yay. I am from here and love it. On Friday we have opening day here and Saturday there is a game too so downtown by the stadium will be lots of fun. You will be in the Central West End area, so as mentioned hit up Bissinger's (32 Maryland Plaza) or dessert, chocolate, or a glass of wine.. Also, there are great bars on Washington Ave. The Wild Flower is a great restaurant with a patio in CWE. So many options. If you are a beer fan the budweiser tour is neat and you could check out Schlafly and 4 Hands too (so many great craft brewers).

  6. I loveee Larabars! Aren't they the best? So simple and so good.

  7. Cosmo, yogurt parfaits from those random airport stands (I'm addicted), Wayfarers, and my iPod!
    xo Josie

  8. I'm definitely a traveler... although I consider myself a backpacker lol. So mostly I don't carry anything on me (besides sunglasses, that's a MUST!) ;)

  9. I just discovered Larabars and Im in love!
    St. Louie: Budweiser Tour-so fun! and Blueberry Hill restaurant and get the toasted ravioli!

  10. Sunnies a definite travel "must have".

  11. I totally agree with you: these are my travel essentials as well! I'm a magazine junkie, I adore my iPad, I never leave the house without a lip balm, and aviators are a must-have for me! Great selection!

    Have a wonderful day!

    xx Ivana
    Macarons and Pearls
