April 2, 2012

weekend in review

Happy April friends! This is one of my favorite months which includes springtime, sunshine and warmer weather that's here to stay. This past weekend was the Cooper River Bridge, and my friends and I along with 36,000 other runners and walkers crossed over the bridge and continued to celebrate the rest of the day weekend. At the finish line in Marion Square were tons of sponsors giving away food/drinks, tshirts and tons of goodies. I was so glad one of my favorite brands Chobani was there- they even gave free greek yogurt out to every who stopped by their chomobile

Here's a peek at our race day fun...

The race was a blast and I'm so proud of everyone that completed it- running or walking.
If you live near the area or even feel like making an awesome road trip, start planning now to make it for next year!


  1. April is beautiful besides my allergies! :) How was the run? Looks like you had fun!

  2. I would never look that cute after a run. All the free goodies look fun too!

  3. Good for you! That sounds fantastic I'm glad you guys had fun!

  4. You look amazing, Ashley! Way to go!
    xo Josie

  5. I am so impressed with how cute you still look after a race - so jealous! :) Glad it was a fun!! And congrats on finishing the race!! :)

  6. Great job! I think that maybe I could finish a race if there was a promise of beer at the end!

  7. Congrats on finishing! love the photos, looks like you had fun!

    love from San Francisco,

  8. Happy April...to you, my friend.

  9. I wasn't able to comment on this for some reason the other day so I wanted to come back, and say, "Glad you had a great weekend!"

    The cookies today look awesome.

  10. This looks so fun! I'm running the mini marathon this month...and haven't trained. So that should be interesting!

    A Southern Drawl

  11. Looks like a fun day! We have the Bolder Boulder every year on Memorial Day, I need to get moving if I'm going to do it! :)

  12. this looks so good.. the cake batter pudding cookies. wow. i've made cake batter blondies, but not cookies with pudding. i could imagine how moist and soft they are.

  13. I love that you run! Im training for a 10k right now! And you are absolutely gorgeous, by the way :) new follower!! :)
