May 11, 2012

Friday Five

FRIDAY! My favorite day of the week- it means you still have two full days of the weekend ahead :)
Since the farmers market is up and running in Charleston again that's where I'll be headed first thing Saturday morning and I couldn't be happier. Since next week I'll be headed to Vegas for work, I plan on having a relaxing next few days. It's a jam packed next few weeks and a low-key weekend sounds right up my alley.

The items this week seem to have a common theme- spring/summer...

[a summer tote]
[light against dark]
[a perfect charcuterie board]
[bright red chairs for outdoor dining] 
[fresh magnolias]

Today is the last day to enter the adorable greeting card giveaway,
you have until Midnight tonight (EST) so get on over and enter!

Have a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. love those chairs! have a wonderful weekend as well! xo

  2. oh totes. i need more of you, yet i have so many of you. that one is perfect!

  3. I love the light vs dark with the rug. Have fun in Vegas!!

  4. I love your tote! SO cute! And those flowers are so pretty. Happy Friday xoxo

  5. I need that rug in my life.

  6. Those magnolias are GORGEOUS!
    xo Josie

  7. That summer tote is too cute, Ashley; and I LOVE those bright red chairs. Happy, Happy Weekend! :)

  8. I LOVE Charleston. I went there with my husband and son on vacation 2 years ago and fell in love with it. I have a friend who is from there (she lives in Louisiana where I live) but will be moving back there in November. She says that there is no better place to live...


  9. I loooooove your summer tote, and those magnolias are gorgeous. xo

  10. Love those bright red chairs! And, hope you are having a blast in Vegas:)
