June 15, 2012

Friday Five

It's been a wonderful week in the midwest (wow- that feels weird to say) where the days were greeted with beaming sunshine and the nights spent taking casual strolls around the neighborhood and relaxing with a cold glass of wine. I'm starting to love the little area around here and can't wait to keep exploring.

This weekend we'll be heading to the Cardinals baseball game as a birthday gift for the beau. Even though I'm an Atlanta Braves fan first and foremost, the Cardinals have taken the second place spot as an MLB favorite. 

Here are the little things this week that've kept me smiling..

 [grilled pizza for dinner]
 [newly planted herbs & tomato plant]
 [whites+light wood]
[touches of orange]
[DIY to try via here]

Have a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. I have that same West Elm bedding! Twins!!

  2. I've never tried grilling pizza but that look delish! Love the DIY glasses- so pretty!

  3. Love each of the elements you posted - touches of yellow are so warm and cheerful :)

  4. Have so much fun at the Cardinals game! My fiance and I went to St. Louis after he took the bar exam last summer and had an absolute blast at the games. Go Cards!

  5. That grilled pizza looks incredible; and I so want to try that DIY - too cute!

    Happy, Happy Weekend, Ashley! :)

  6. The grilled pizza looks delish!! Happy Friday!

  7. Yum! I'm making grilled pizza tonight, can't wait! Happy Friday!

  8. That grilled pizza looks delish! Have a good weekend!

  9. GRILLED.PIZZA. Tell me you have a recipe post coming for that one. Pretty please? And I love those fun orange boxes!
    xo Josie

  10. That pizza looks deliciouuuus!! And I love your bedroom!

  11. Grilled pizza is heaven on earth.

  12. Can't way to see all the updates to the beau's apartment! Update soon!
