June 22, 2012

Friday Five

Friends, TGIF!

A weekend is exactly what the doctor ordered and I'm ready to decompress from work and relax for a few days. Tonight I'm meeting some of my best friends for dinner and drinks while I'm in Atlanta and I can't wait to catch up and spend some time with these wonderful ladies.

With 4th of July right around the corner, I'm ready to be beachside and celebrating one of my favorite holidays. Until then I'll be catching some rays on the rooftop pool this weekend with a good book and frozen yogurt nearby.

Here are some of the little things bringing me big joy this week...

 [asked by tervis- love it!]
[adding simple stripes to a solid curtain]
[a morning latte]
{cheering on the Cardinals]
[old homes used as a restaurant space]

What do you have planned this weekend?
Have a wonderful one!


  1. Your new love for STL really sets me in a tailspin being from KC originally :) But I will let it pass since I love ya!

  2. that restaurant salt looks so cool!! I love when old homes are turned into restaurants too!

  3. love the stripes added to the drapes. i must do this! i am renting so i hate to spend a ton of money on window treatments, but this will add some interest to plain white ikea drapes. thanks! have a great weekend :)

  4. love this! please share the curtain secret : )

  5. I love your STL pics of Salt and the Cards game!
    Have fun relaxing poolside this weekend--i plan to do the same.

  6. love those curtains!
    happy friday!

  7. The striped curtains are PERFECT!
    xo Josie

  8. Love this post. You are going to be busy being in weddings. What a cute idea with the Tevis.

  9. Your pictures are always gorgeous - you're a great photog! Hope you had a wonderful weekend :)

  10. You are always doing fun stuff...I love that.
