July 27, 2012

Friday Five

Oh Friday, words can't express how happy I am to see you.
I'm feeling some serious TGIF today
(and actually every Friday, lets get serious)

I am beyond pumped to watch the Olympics opening ceremony tonight! All about the USA over here! This weekend is about birthday celebrations (again!) for my friends. Apparently all the best birthdays are in the summer months :) We're going to take advantage of Charlotte's restaurant week that's going on for a celebratory dinner and then hit the town. It's been a while since I've been able to go out with my friends in Charlotte and I'm really looking forward to catching up with them.

Here are the little things bringing me big joy this week...

[Cooper sporting a new collar]
[corks on display]
 [avocado + red pepper flakes]
[tiny pink notebooks]
[mixing up the arm party]

What do yall have planned for the weekend?
Are any of you watching opening ceremonies tonight?


  1. Ok love your arm party! Where in the hell did you get the cross bracelet?? Need. Also Stella and Billie have similar collars to Cooper. They have the "Mascot" ones but they are representing marine life just like Cooper.

  2. I am beyond excited for Friday as well! I have been so excited about the opening of the Olympics however I forgot I bought tickets for a concert tonight..so I guess I'll DVR it!

    Have a fabulous weekend :)


  3. Enjoy your weekend, and birthday celebration.

  4. love the arm party!! I have same cross wrap!! :) HAPPY FRIDAY

  5. Love his new collar! Brady has a similar one with sailfish on it. :)

  6. Isn't Restaurant Week the BEST? Can't wait to hear about it!
    xo Josie

  7. I love that cross bracelet! That's so cute, I've been on the hunt for one of those! and your dog is just adorable. Go Team USA, I will most definitely be watching! Happy weekend Ashley!

  8. Love the arm party and the doggie collar!

  9. Your dog is adorable (and so is the collar!) Also, I've been loving avacado toast, too! I will have to try it with red pepper flakes.

    xoxo, Emily
