August 1, 2012

Currently Reading...


I'm a self-proclamined book nerd.

 I could easily curl up on a rainy day and spend the whole time reading a good book. Disclaimer: When I was younger I would alphabetize all the books I got from the library and read them in order; all 20 of them. I didn't mess around.

I may be the only person under 40 that still visits the library... anyone?

These are my currently reading and to-read books. I typically read two at time and right now it's #1 and #3.

The Coconut Miracle is a random read thrown into the mix. Lately I've been so intrigued by all the uses that coconut oil has besides cooking (I can't wait to give this a try). There are endless health and beauty benefits to this little oil!

I've heard such great things about The 5 Love Languages and have been meaning to read it forever. It's so interesting to think about how you like to receive love and the different ways that you show love to the people in your life.

Books 2 and 4 are my mindless, chick-lit reads. Emily Giffin's book are always great reads and I loved her Something Borrowed series. This, I cannot wait to start reading and think it's the perfect beach read for a girls trip coming up.

Mindy Kaling's book has gotten hilarious reviews and since I absolutely loved Chelsea Handler's books and Babe Walker's White Girl Problems, I figured this was right up my alley. This is one of those books that I know I won't be able to read on the plane because I'll laugh so hard I'm crying. True story, it's happened with both of the above mentioned titles.

What books are you reading?
I'm always looking for the next one to add to my list!

Happy August everyone!


  1. I'm reading 5 Love Languages right now, too! And Cameron even picked up the men's version to read! My sister is reading the Mindy Kaling book. Next on my list is Gone Girl - I've heard good things about that one.

  2. Ohh I love this post. i like to hear what other people are reading. We're going on a week long vacation at the end of this month, so I've been making a list of books I want to read. I borrowed 5 Love Languages from a friend and still need to read it. I have Mindy's book on my list too, but now I'm adding Where We Belong. I agree that Emily Giffin is perfect for chick lit! I also have Gone Girl and Southern Charm on my list as well!

  3. reading funny books on the plane can be a bit conspicuous, but is always worth it!

  4. I still go to the library! :) Really want to get Mindy's book!

  5. I'm a book nerd too! Nothing to be ashamed of there!

    xoxo, Emily

  6. The five love languages sounds like a fascinating read!

  7. Coconut oil is seriously awesome stuff- best deep conditioner I've ever used!

  8. I keep it light during the summer since I'm an English major and read such heavy stuff all year. Mindy Kaling's book sounds so hysterical! I'm buying the Cupcakes and Cashmere book tomorrow; I'm so excited!
    xo Josie

  9. No you are not the only person under 40 who still goes to the library. I love going. And the added benefit less clutter and more money in my pocket.

  10. Just picked up Emily Giffin's new book....eager to start!
