August 3, 2012

Friday Five

Happy Friday!

The week flew by and that's perfectly ok with me. Whoever decided that the work week should be five days and the weekends only two is not my friend. Maybe we can start a petition and get it changed? Four and three sounds more my style. Any takers?

This week has included lots of olympic watching, dinners with friends and perfecting my art of packing and travel time. I'm looking forward to a wonderful weekend ahead in St. Louis and hoping that the 100 degree temperatures aren't planning on making an appearance.

Here are a few things making me smile all week...

[Diptyque's new perfume collection]
[iced coffee samplers]
[Miami flight booked!]
[Essie Sugar Daddy- for a hint of color]

[now that's serious lovin']

Have a great weekend ahead friends!


  1. How exciting about Diptyque (and Miami!)
    Have a wonderful weekend xo

  2. I love iced coffee! Yay for Miami! I've always wanted to go there- you're going to have a blast!

  3. That iced coffee looks great- how does it taste? Have fun in Miami, I've never been but I hear it's great!!

  4. oo the ice coffee packets sound so good!

  5. Those Iced Coffee Samplers look scrummy! Happy, Happy Weekend, Ashley! :)

  6. Such a great card. Did you get that in the mail? Awesome.

  7. I agree with the weekend idea.

  8. Ooohh I love that Essie color!! Hope you had an awesome weekend :)

  9. That Miami hotel looks amazing!

  10. love that nail color!! pale pink is my favorite lately!! xoxo
