August 29, 2012

Keepin' Ya in Check

We all know that Pinterest is brimming with amazing recipes, fitness inspiration, home decor and diy's, but this is probably one of my favorite pins that I've stumbled across. I wish the original link was available, but whomever made this is brilliant and I'm jumping on board.

At the end of every day, here's what goes in the journal:

Peaks: The best parts of your day. The little things that bring excitement and joy, or an overall positive aspect of the day
Pits: The not so great part of the day. Instead of complaining about it, write a positive from the situation or how it's a blessing in disguise
Praises: Praising God for things that happened today
Prayers: Any new prayer request that surfaced

This is an easy journal to keep you in check every day with the blessings and struggles that we all face. It seems easy to focus on the negative in our lives and how quickly we forget all the wonderful things that we are blessed with. I'll be starting my very own little notebook like this, to remind me daily that we're beyond fortunate, and even the downfalls can be blessings in disguise.



  1. This is brilliant -- and I love that it helps keep things in perspective.
    xo Josie

  2. What a great idea! Would be so neat to look bad and read after a year or so.

  3. Cute idea! It's kind of like the Kardashian's family tradition of discussing the peaks and pits of each of their days over dinner. Love em' or hate em' it's a great idea to teach kids.

  4. This is an INCREDIBLE idea. I must do this! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  5. What a fantastic idea - makes us reflect.
