September 25, 2012

NYC Recap

The past weekend in New York City was filled with delicious foods/drinks, shopping, spending time with close friends and enjoying the gorgeous weather that we lucked out with; Fall in the city may be my favorite season up north.

Here's a look at our weekend...

We checked out the new Piperlime store in Soho (super cute!)

Next time you visit NYC make sure you stop by Eataly! It's my new obsession up there and you'll understand why we spent Saturday and Sunday afternoon on the rooftop. Hello fall weather, views of the Empire State Building and amazing wine.

Pictured below would be Sally and I's planned detox Sunday.
This was supposed to be fresh fruit, yogurt and coffee...
Ended up being wine, a meat/cheese plate and icecream.
And it was fabulous :)


  1. Ok. I heard Eataly was amazing! Dish on your leopard scarf. Where did you get it? I need. Also, loving your cream peplum. Again, where oh where did you get it?!?! Looks like you had a lovely weekend my darling!

  2. What a fun weekend! Plus your outfits are all super cute! I've still yet to get to NYC, but when I go I'll take all of your recs!

  3. Love your scarf! I love Soho! My boyfriend lives there and the shopping is fantastic!!!!

  4. Looks like a super fun weekend! That wine bar sounds like a great place- ill definitely check it out one of these days. Love your scarf!

  5. Ahhh, isn't Eataly the best? I would live there; I don't even care that it's a tourist trap. It looks like you had such a ball!
    xo Josie

  6. Ummm your scarf!!! It. Is. So. Cute. Details please! :) Looks like you had an amazing weekend. Cute pictures!!

  7. what a fun weekend -- we were in NYC too, and had a blast!! wasn't the weather perfection??? we love eataly too, amazing!! xoxo
