September 4, 2012

Team Spirit

To kick off football season (yep, it's a season in the south) this past holiday weekend I decided to go all out team spirit. One of my wonderfully creative friends posted a picture of a sign she made for her Clemson tigers, and I absolutely loved it. Finding out it was made of burlap was icing on the cake for me. The Clemson one we made above is for a gift, and a "Bulldawgs" one will be hanging on our door :)


1.) First, measure out a pattern to trace your football. We used a 20 in. wide pattern that we cut and traced from old newspaper.

2.) To make the side white marks on the football, we used the edge of a paper plate to form the shape.

3.) The white stitching on the top of the football I just freehanded and prayed that it turned out ok ;)

4.) The lettering was done using stencils, which we outlines with a think, purple sharpie.

5.) After drying, we used a a thin piece of wire to hang the sign and topped it with a collection of ribbons on the top.

note: since our's wasn't laying flat, we used a thin piece of cardboard on the back to provide extra support.

Now, on to make a UGA one!


  1. This is SO cute! I want to do this for my apartment!
    xo Josie

  2. LOVE this idea!! I'm gonna share this with my friend who is a teacher! She is gonna love it! :)

  3. So freaking cute!!!!!! I want one!! My neighbors are going to be jealous! ;)

  4. Oh my gosh this is awesome!!! Super proud of you! I must do this :)

  5. That is just adorable! I love the burlap and ribbon combination.
