December 14, 2012

Friday Five

My heart is so happy today. 
Its been a whirlwind of a week, but tomorrow I get to scoop B up from the airport and have an entire two weeks where I won't have to drop him off at work before the sun rises and pick him up when it's close to setting. I appreciate all that those in the medical field do, but I'm selfishly thankful for this hardworking doctor's vacation. {side note: this residency business is hard stuff... these hours? I'm not a fan}

On another note, I can't believe how close Christmas is. Wasn't it just Thanksgiving?? I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend and picking up some last minute gifts for under the tree.

Here's a little glimpse of what's been bringing me joy the past few days...

 [python tray]
 [perfect pair of lounge pants-so comfy!]
[a favorite new wine]
 [snowflakes in the windows]
[presents ready to be gifted]

Cheers to a wonderful weekend to each of you!

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  1. aw, happy for you! That must be hard!! have an amazing time with your man :)

  2. Awwww, have so much fun with B!
    xo Josie

  3. Um, all of those things make me smile..especially the tray and comfy Jcrew pants! Happy that you get to spend two uninterrupted weeks with your man!

  4. I'm a huge fan of Malbec and I love layer cake wines, but I've not had that! Yum! WANT the pants! Enjoy your time with your man!

  5. Ohmigosh I love the way you've wrapped those presents, Ashley - they're almost too pretty to open {I said almost}.

    I'm glad to hear that B has 2 weeks free to spend with you for the holidays!! :)

  6. love the tray and the gifts look gorgeous!

  7. My friend introduced me to Layer Cake wines a couple of months ago, and I've been in love ever since! Good choice :)
