April 24, 2012

This past weekend was a blur of fun and I can't believe how fast it seemed to fly by. The past few days included an oyster roast/wine tasting, a beautiful wedding, mimosas and french toast brunch and a rainy Sunday afternoon nap.

 I absolutely love weddings that really seem to reflect the couple and this was the perfect example of that. It was set at Magnolia Plantation Carriage House and the rain cleared up just in time for the outdoor ceremony. The signature drinks had adorable striped straws and since the bride and groom are huge foodies, the meal for the night was absolutely delicious. (ie: a mac & cheese bar with toppings of chives, lobster and bacon-- not so healthy, but oh so good!)

 The weekend was the perfect mix of scheduled events and spontaneous adventures. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves....


Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. you had me at mac & cheese bar. that sounds like the best idea ever!

  2. What a beautiful venue for a wedding. You look stunning, too.

  3. Look how cute you are. Dress fits you perfectly!

  4. i love your dress!

  5. I love your dress, its perfect on you! I had a rainy afternoon nap as well, so nice.

  6. Mac. And. Cheese. Bar. I just died inside, Ashley. And that dress looks AMAZING on you, lady! That race running has SERIOUSLY been paying off, and the color is perfect.
    xo Josie

  7. an oyster roast?! hmmm. and i can't believe i didn't think of the mac&cheese bar. oh man that is right up my alley.

  8. Mmm mac and cheese bar!! Sounds delish.
    I love the color of your dress and necklace!

  9. I need that dress in my life!! Where is it from? So adorable!!!

  10. Mac and cheese bar...genius!!

    LOVE that dress! I have the same question as everyone else, where is that from?!

  11. Seriously Ashley, could you look more gorgeous? That dress is divine on you! :)

  12. The mac and cheese sounds incredible! Love your dress!

  13. Oyster roast and wine tasting...Why don't we live closer???

  14. I LOVE the dress - where is it from? My cousin's June wedding in the Bahamas has us in all corals...and we can pick our own. If I'd known about that, that would have been my choice!! So fun.

  15. you look SO beautiful in that dress! such a fab color! super cute blog, new follower!

  16. Loving that coral dress! and I love that necklace with it too, so pretty! You look great!
