June 29, 2012

Friday Five

I love the feeling of waking up and knowing it's Friday. That the whole weekend is ahead and it's filled with things you want to do (ie: relaxing, shopping, adventuring around town). Starting tomorrow I'm off to Charleston for a relaxing week in my absolute favorite place with my family and friends. 

I'm planning on soaking up every minute of the hot sunshine, morning walks through ivy ladened alleys that weave throughout the city and stopping by some of favorite restaurants and shops. I have my beach books, magazines and sunhat ready for some dedicated down time. I haven't stopped smiling all week and I probably won't the whole time I'm back in the lowcounty.

Here are the little things this week bringing me big joy...

 [stripes on stripes]
 [beach essentials]
[iphone protection]
[clean and green meals]
[the colors of the lowcountry]

What do you have planned for the weekend?
If you're traveling anywhere for the 4th- safe travels!


  1. I loveeee your straw bag!! Wherever did you get it from? It's adorable. Have fun in Charleston!!

  2. Love your dress. Charleston is so beautiful. Enjoy!

  3. that is an adorable dress! did you make those spring rolls? i am off for vacation myself. enjoy being in charleston!

  4. Have a wonderful time in Charleston! We are headed to Richmond for a wedding and then to San Diego for the week :)

  5. Love these five! Esp. the meal and the iPhone cover. Happy Friday and travels!

  6. If I lived in that building, everyday would be like sunshine - so fun!


  7. I hope you're having a FAB week of vacation, doll! Sounds like just what you need. And I love that dress!
    xo Josie

  8. Love the beach bag! Oh Charleston, some day we will be there permanently....
