June 27, 2012

To Eat...

Summer Superfoods

While getting a recent pedicure with my mom I came across a great article in this month's issue of Self magazine. The story listed the best health foods to incorporate into your diet this summer and since I always find it interesting what certain foods do for your body, I thought I'd share the results.

1. Strawberries: The acid in the fruit helps block sunburn and preserves skin-smoothing collagen to help fight wrinkles.
2. Green Tea: One of the endless benefits of this herbal remedy? It works to try and stop fat absorption. (Hello bikini's new best friend)
3. Cherry Juice: Helps with post-workout cramps. According to the study 67% of runners that drank this before a run had less pain afterwards than non-juice drinkers. They also have antioxidants to help reduce inflammation.
4. Leafy Greens: Ok I have to admit, I'm not a huge fan of kale just yet, but I'm trying to get on the kale train...slowly.. These greens are all about helping keep your eyesight sharp and protecting them against damaging uv rays.
5. Garlic: This potent cooking staple could help you fight off ticks. The article mentions that garlic could change the way you taste, resulting it less ticks sticking around. Who would've thought?

To read more checkout Self's superfood slideshow.


  1. I go back and forth between kale. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't. I am all about some strawberries, green tea and garlic though! :)

  2. Strawberries are my FAVORITE -- and glad to know all the garlic I use totally has health benefits!
    xo Josie

  3. great post! I didn't know strawberries were helpful against sunburns!

  4. i wish i could force myself to eat more like this and less like the strawberry shortcake situation i had last night :) great list! new follower, sweetie. have a nice weekend!
