July 10, 2012

A Salty Snack

Any time I'm spending a day, or even a few hours out on the beach I have to have a variety of snacks to choose from. Typically there's fruit and some type of Kind bar packed, but this past week I made a special salty snack to share with the fam. I've always been a big fan of seasoned pretzels and decided to make some myself.

So simple and taste so much better than the store bought version. There are tons of different recipes to use when seasoning pretzels, this one just happens to be a favorite of mine. Super simple, nothing ground breaking, but it's a salty snack that was a big hit with family and friends.

[already in the bag and placed conveniently next to our beach chairs]

Seasoned Pretzels

1 lb. bag of pretzels (any shape works)
1 pkg. dry ranch dressing mix
3/4 c. olive oil
3-4 tsp. garlic powder

Heat over to 300 degrees. Combine the ranch packet, olive oil and garlic powder in a small bowl. Then, pour the mixture over the pretzels and mix to evenly coat. Spread the pretzels out on a baking sheet and cook for 25-30 mins, or until most of the olive oil is absorbed. Let cool and serve :)

No more store bought seasoned pretzels for me, these are the real deal.

What beach or traveling snacks do you like to have with you?


  1. Ok. You have done it. I used to make these all of the time and no longer can because I have no self control against them. It is truly disgusting. My love for these knows no boundaries.

  2. Yummy!! I agree I like flavored pretzels I need to try this the next time I buy some.

  3. Yum, I love pretzels! I need to try this recipe!

  4. I die. I can't buy pretzels, Ashley. I eat them by the bag... And this is the only way they can become more dangerous.
    xo Josie

  5. Trust me, I have tasted these and they are delish!

  6. Yum!!! I love love pretzels!! You basically sold me at ranch! :) Thanks for sharing... I'm totally gonna make this!!
