August 24, 2012

Friday Five


How was everyone's week?
 It took me a few days at the beginning to get back in the swing of things from a fabulous birthday weekend at the beach with some of my best friends. We always like to say we'll just go to the beach and relax with a few good books and bottles of wine, but somehow we always end up pretending we're back at college. Resulting in a trip that leaves us more tired after than before we even left. 

However I loved every single second of it-- thank you times a million to my wonderful friends that were down there with me. It meant the world to have yall by my side as I welcomed in a brand new and exciting year.

(note: we must plan a relaxing beach weekend and actually stick to the plan)

These are the underrated items bringing me happiness this week...

[delicious smelling new candle]
[a new favorite mug- thanks Maggie!]
[bright pillows against linen]
[making homemade popsicles]
[bar cart displays]

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the last little bit of August!


  1. That mug is so sweet- I gave it to my best friend for her birthday :)

  2. Ooo that candle looks like it would smell good! I can't wait to light more as Indian summer approaches. I love that pillow too, what a fun color pop!

  3. Oh, my kids would love the homemade pop thing.

  4. I love your pictures on your friday fives! The pillow is gorgeous!

  5. That candle is gorgeous -- and I want a Zoku so badly! I die. I'm so glad that you had a happy birthday, doll!
    xo Josie

  6. That mug is SO cute; and I LOVE new candles! Happy, Happy Weekend, Ashley!! :)

  7. love the bar cart!

  8. I haven't seen Tyler candles in forever - I need to go on a hunt for some now! Hope you are having a fab day. xo
